

How does a rocket function?

Updated: 10/5/2023
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9y ago

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A rocket functions by burning an internal fuel source as a propellant. The thrust is then pushed through a nozzle to increase performance.

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Q: How does a rocket function?
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What is the function of the recovery system on a rocket?

The function of a recovery system on a rocket works somewhat like a parachute. It opens up when the rocket reaches a certain height to ensure that the landing will be safe.

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The height of a rocket as a function of time is h (t) = 60t^1.5 where h is in meters and t is in seconds. Air temperature is a function of height according to the function T (h) = 300 - h/m where m is a constant, T is measured in kelvins (K), and h in meters. Plus log(x=5)

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Is a height of a rocket a function of Time?

The height of a rocket as a function of time is h (t) = 60t^1.5 where h is in meters and t is in seconds. Air temperature is a function of height according to the function T (h) = 300 - h/m where m is a constant, T is measured in kelvins (K), and h in meters. Plus log(x=5)

Is the height of the rocket a function of time?

The height of a rocket as a function of time is h (t) = 60t^1.5 where h is in meters and t is in seconds. Air temperature is a function of height according to the function T (h) = 300 - h/m where m is a constant, T is measured in kelvins (K), and h in meters. Plus log(x=5)

What is the function of shock cord on a rocket?

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