Try the clone tool.
Drag the whole file from a windows explorer window to the GIMP page then use the move tool.
GIMP is a photo-editing tool much like Photoshop. You can visit the My Gimp Tutorial website and learn how to use various aspects of using GIMP, as well as installing brushes.
Yes, it's called the "path tool"
Use the lasoo select tool to select the object. Then press ctrl+x to cut out the object.
To create a clone in After Effects, you need to first import your footage into the program. Then, use the "Clone Stamp Tool" to select the area you want to clone. Adjust the settings such as brush size and opacity. Finally, paint over the area you want to clone, and use keyframes to animate the clone if needed.
There isn't - which is an obscene idea. GIMP designers know BETTER what's convenient.
Anchor points.
In the tool bar. State the obvious.
A butterfly can be drawn in gimp by using the paths tool, and brush tools. Create a new layer Take your paths tool and draw out 1 wing of a butterfly, fill it with color Duplicate your wing layer Use the flip command to flip your duplicated wint, and the move command to move it in place Use the paths tool to create the body Fill it with color
Removing watermarks could be an act of copyright violation. Check the ToU of the CamWow app first. If it is fine to do so, you can use something like Photoshop or Gimp to remove watermarks with a tool called the clone stamp. Or even better, find an app that doesn't watermark everything.
To create a clone effect in After Effects, you can use the "Clone Stamp Tool" to duplicate and manipulate elements in your video. This tool allows you to select a source area and then paint over other areas to create the clone effect. Adjust the settings such as brush size, opacity, and blending mode to achieve the desired result.