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The best thing to use is bleach.

Alternatively, you can just sit and scrub the concrete with washing-up liquid and water - this method does work, but it just takes longer.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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Steven Paige

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βˆ™ 3y ago

clean mold on concrete by pressure washing it, you can use a surface cleaner from bestcargurus if the mold build up is on the floor or walls to evenly clean it. If the mold build up is on higher spots, use a telescopic wand from bestcargurus it ensures that you’re safe on the ground while washing your 2 or even 3-story residence.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

mostly with the use oif bleach otherwise just sit and scrub with washing up liquid and water as that does work but it just takes longer

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βˆ™ 13y ago

how do i kill mold on concrete”

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Q: How do you remove mold from concrete?
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Yes, using chlorine bleach to kill mold on concrete can potentially make the problem of efflorescence worse. Chlorine bleach can react with minerals in the concrete and worsen efflorescence by increasing the migration of minerals to the surface. It's best to prevent mold growth by addressing any underlying moisture issues and using alternative mold removal methods on concrete surfaces.

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