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Depends, what defect?

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Q: How do you overcome the building defect?
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u jump off a building

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What was the significance of the building of the Panama Canal And why was it chosen and what obstacles had to be overcome in the building of the canal?

gateway betwwen atlantic and pacific ocean

What kind of performance clauses should be in a contract for remodeling a commercial building?

You should make sure that the contract includes a guarantee that the remodeling will have no major defect or they should repair the defect. Protect yourself by doing research.

What is the definition of a building defect?

A Housing or Construction Defect is a building flaw or design mistake that reduces the value of the home, and/or causes a dangerous condition. Some defects are obvious (such as water seepage) but many are less obvious and do not become apparent until years after a building was constructed. A construction defect can arise from a variety of factors, such as poor workmanship or the use of inferior materials. Common examples of housing and construction defects are water leakage, faulty electrical or heating systems in a home, indoor mold growth, dry rot, and unstable landscaping.

How were the Incas able to overcome geographic problems such as distance in their empire?

They connected all their empire by building a road system. This helped the Incas overcome geographic problems such as distance in their empire.

What is the difference between Defect and Defective?

A defective product has a defect: "My phone is defective" "What defect does it have?" "The defect is that the screen is broken" To defect can also mean to switch sides e.g. from an army or a political party

Can the software be defect free?

no it cant be defect abundantly

Does a platypus have a growth defect?

No. The platypus does not have a growth defect.

Is a phobia a health defect?

it is a mental health defect.

What is defect seepage in IT?

Defect Seepage is the defect creepage from one module to other or from one phase to subsequent phases.

What is defect cascading?

Defect cascading explains how one defect leads to other defects. For Example, employee application salary calculations are not correct when totaling Basic, Tax and Gross, so for this issue defect raised. In this case other modules will block and also same defect will exists in all those modules due to this defect. This is called Defect Cascading.