1. Obtain the materials including blankets and chairs.
2. Make sure to have an open room.
3. Lay chairs out the way you want your fort to be. The inside of the chairs (not literallly inside) will be the space you can move and crawl/walk in.
4. Put blankets over the chairs and you will have a fort the size you want and the style you want.
(You can add materials to entertain you inside the fort)
First grab your equipment:
4 chairs
2 or 3 blankets
Stuff to make sure your not bored
4 books
1. set up your 4 chairs in a circle or square
2. put 1 large blanket on the chairs.
3. take some books and put them on the chairs so the blanket doesn't fall off.
4. if you want in the middle take a blanket and set it down.
5. get some stuff like pillows to set up inside.
6. get a book, computer, toys, anything that would be fun to do!
7. enjoy!
okay so you take your pillows and blanket you need at lest 24 pillows stack them up put the blanket on top of the pillows get some fun thins like Board Games coloring books or what ever u want put a sign on it saying either girls only or boys only
you get a sheet and you tuck it under both sides of your futon bed.then you pull out your futon bed and you go in!!!how cool is that
you could stick a white bedsheet on in the top bunk with tape and drape it over the bottom bunk and you have a fort oh yeah you can decorat it too!
get lots of clay and make it into a bed.
"How to Make Red Fort With Thermocol"
I have never in my life seen a dog make a fort.
The soldiers defended their Fort with all their might.
i think the sleeping pill is make a girl to bed
you get a maid to do it
Plexiglass is used to make the bed portoin of the tanning bed.
You have to have sturdy objects to make the foundation of the fort, such as chairs.
Make her get in bed and then eventually she'll want to stay.