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Q: How do you get the boys flying disc off the roof?
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you go to the shop and buy them

What were the times of plays in the Elizabethan globe?

plays at the globe theatre were normally staged at 2 o clock, if the flag was flying. if it wasn't flying, the play had been called off due to bad weather as the theatre didn't have a roof. :)

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Possible words are: -- rooftop - the top of a roof --"roof off" - a roof comes off -- the proper name Rudolph (also Rudolf)

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How do you change the brake disc on a tdci mondeo?

easy job ,,,take the wheel off then undo and take off the calliper, then the disc comes off.......

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go on top of your roof and take it of

How do you get flying disc off the top of the arcade building in wimpy boardwalk on poptropica?

You have to get the metal detector. Use the popcorn bag to scare away the mean lady. Use the metal detector over her mat. Press the green button. You get car keys. Go all the way to the woman who needs her car keys. In exchange she will give you sandals. Then you put them on and then you go on the roof and get the Frisbee. Finally you give it to him.

Why is a roof a pyramid shape?

so rain water runs off the roof

What happen if the rain fall on roof?

Then rain falls on a roof and if the roof works properly the rain will drain off of the structure.

My 6 disc changer is stuck?

One way to get a disc unstuck from a 6 disc changer is to try to hit eject while the car is off. This sometimes forces the disc to eject.

When was Hands flying off toward the constellations created?

Hands flying off toward the constellations was created in 1974.

How do you get scratches of of a GameCube game?

scratches are indents in the disc or where a tiny part of the disc is gone. they cannot be taken off, for they are not a physical object attached to the disc.