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Q: How do you build the Ackerman Metal Kits airplane D65377?
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How many people do you need to build an airplane?

A single person can build an airplane.

What was Orville Wright profession?

he build a airplane for eaiser transportation! he build a airplane for eaiser transportation!

What materials did they use to build the first airplane?

The materials for most of the early aircraft were a wood frame and muslin covering with a few metal parts.

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How do you build a handmade airplane?

Knowledge is power

Who make an airplane?

Companies that build airplanes

Why did the Wright brothers build the airplane?

So they can travel.

How do you build an airplane out of sticks?

You cant. They tried, they failed.

What year did the wrights build the airplane?

Their first fully practical airplane was built in 1905. (Their first powered, sustained and controlled airplane was built in 1903.)

How many made a airplane?

One single person can build an airplane or you can have a group of companies with their workers make individual components to make a single airplane.

What are some things you can you build that begin with the letter A?

You can build a model airplane, model auto or an arrow.

How many gliders did the wright brothers build before the first true airplane?

They build 4