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carve a square pillar :)

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how can I do round pillar

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Q: How do you build round pillars?
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What did Romans use pillars for?

Mostly to hold up roofs. Some pillars were build as monuments or for religious purposes.

Church architecture which had round arches and thick walls and pillars?

Romanesque Architecture

What did the people build for God on Mount Sinai?

They set up 12 pillars (Exodus 24) and an altar.

Why are pillars circular?

I suppose it's because people like how they look and maybe it's a sturdy build, too.

Why do you build space-crafts?

You build space craft in order to get to and travel round in space.

What are the five pillars made of?

They are five pillars of Islam faith. They are not materialistic pillars as the building pillars. These pillars of Islam are referred to in question below.

Why does the Eiffel Tower have four pillars?

The Eiffel towers has four pillars for stability, and to give it a symetrical aspect. The design was the object of a contest and only a four-legged design was considered at the time. Technically it would have been possible to build a resembling structure with only three pillars (like a three-legged stool instead).

What is Prairie Valley High School's motto?

The motto of Prairie Valley High School is 'Help Build the Six Pillars of Character'.

Why did qutubuddin aibak build the Qutub Minar adjesent to the iron pillars built by guptas?

because aibak wanted to compete with the guptas

How do you build a Nave?

In order to build a nave, you would need to have columns or pillars as well as walls that support the building. A nave is the main body of a church building based on the Romanesque and Gothic architecture.?æ

How do you get to airplane island on sims2 castaway nds?

you will have to go to the pier beach (i think) where evr the pilllars are and gather the right items then build it at the pillars.

Are the 5 pillars in Mecca?

If you mean the five pillars of Islam, then they are not physical pillars. They pillars of the fundamentals of the Islam religion. they are not bound by places.