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Once you earn the title of Knight, you can get a second town. With Baronet, you can have three, and so on up to 10 towns with the title of Prinzessin.

To get the town, you need to control a "flat" which is a kind of valley you can take with an army. Once you have the flat and the required title, you need to send 250 workers, and 10k of each resource (food, lumber, stone, iron, and gold)

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15y ago
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13y ago

To build a new city, firstly your Title must reach Knight. Then you must have 250 workers and 10,000 different rescoures and gold in an exsisting city. Then you must conquer a flat. I recommend a lvl 1 or 2 for your first, second city. For that get 1000 warriors and 300 swordsmen to guarennte victory . After you conquered it and have all the requirments go to Map and click on the flag ( which will appear on the flat you conquered ) and then click on build city.

You can conquer a level 1 flat with just 50 archers. A level 2 requires 75 archers. Level 3 about 100 archers, level 4 needs 300 archers. Level 5 needs 400 archers.

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14y ago

If you look at the dialog box when you click on a building you will see 'upgrade' on the right side. On the left side you will see a red circle with a slash through it. Click on it and this will start the demolition process. It demo's 1 level at a time and could take awhile depending on the level of the building you want demolished.

You can also buy dynamite at the shop or win it on the wheel. Dynamite demo's the building instantly but you lose the resources you would have gotten if you tear it down level by level.

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14y ago

Select an empty space in the 'Town' view of your city, and select the Build button under the image labeled 'Embassy'.

Note: You can only construct an Embassy if you don't already have one in the city concerned, and the resources required for it's construction are available in the same city in which you desire to construct it.

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11y ago

One can build their own city on the Town Tycoon game by creating an account, on the Town tycoon website, select the menu option, select a house and tap some space to place it, one keeps doing this until they have built a city.

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13y ago

Click on walls and hit build however you must have the requirements

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