Man made bees wax will attract bees if it has an strong perfumes added to it. Most bees tend to be attracted to fresh nectars or sweet scents in nature.
All honey is made by bees, therefore it is natural. If it is not made by bees then it is not honey.
Several waxes are produced by animals and plants, as beeswax and other; but many types of waxes (this is a large class of organic chemicals called waxes) are extracted from petroleum - but petroleum is also a natural product ! Also true artificial waxes exist, obtained from polyethylene.
Because that is how God made us
Candles can be either natural or man-made. Natural candles are typically made from beeswax or soy wax, while man-made candles are usually made from paraffin wax or other synthetic materials.
Bees are considered consumers because they obtain their energy by consuming nectar from flowers. They play a role as pollinators in ecosystems, transferring pollen from one flower to another as they collect nectar.
bees knees my man!
What are "put bees"?
Honey bees live in hives, formed by the bees themselves, usually. Occasionally, however, apiaries, man-made beehives, will house many bees, so that the honey can be harvested.
Beekeepers keep and breed bees. They build large homes for the bees that are considered to be bee hives. The bees live and work in these man made beehives just the same as those they build.
The home of bees is called a hive. It is a structure where bees live, store food, and raise their young. Hives can be found in various settings, such as trees, buildings, or man-made bee boxes in apiaries.
No, honey bees typically make hives above ground in structures like trees, caves, or man-made beehives. Ground-dwelling bees like mining bees or sweat bees may create nests underground, but honey bees do not.
Albert Einstein said that, if bees disappeared man would only survive for 4 years.