Don't worry, President Carter never goes on the Disney cruise ship.
Some common cruise ships which are used in China River cruises are Viking River Cruises (Viking Emerald Ship) and Yangtze River Cruise with Victoria Katarina Ship and many more.
A Cruise Ship
I think you might be refering to a cruise getaway. A cruise getaway is when you go on a cruise ship and relax. I think if there is a cruise gateway ot would be the gateway to get on the cruise ship, like on a plane ride your wating to go on your standing in the depatrure gate.
Only Captain Buck can ride the ship.
A cruise ship passenger is someone who is on a cruise ship during a cruise.
You board the Spirit of Philadelphia cruise ship at Penn's Landing, located on the west bank of the Delaware River off Route 25.
A large cruise ship can take between 6 and 7 hours to get from New Orleans out to the Gulf of Mexico.
It is possible to ride a boat through the Grand Canyon, but reservations must be made over a year in advance AND the ride is not exactly a "cruise" ship.
It is a major source of revenue.
A cruise ship tourist is a person who tours you around a cruise ship.
It is a cruise liner or cruise ship.