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A movement of the 1950's that focused on mass-produced, found, or ready-made objects.

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Q: A movement of the 1950's that focused on mass produced found or ready made objects?
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What idea from the 1950s inspired the counterculture movement of the 1960s?

The idea from the 1950s that inspired the counterculture movement of the 1960s was the violation of African-American Civil Rights.

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The Civil Rights Movement began in the mid-1950s, and initially focused on litigation against segregation. Thurgood Marshall, who would become a Supreme Court Justice, successfully argued Brown v. Board of Education, proving segregation violated the Constitution. By the late 1950s, and early sixties, the movement centered around activist involvement in sit-ins, boycotts and voter registration drives in the south. The sixties focused on all levels of discrimination, using marches, sit-ins, and other forms of non-violent resistance. By that time, the world was focused on what was going on in the United States. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was passed, officially ending segregation in the United States.

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When was his work produced?

He painted mostly through the early late 1950s into the late 1980s.

When did minimalism start to develop?

Minimalism began to develop as an art movement in the 1960s in the United States. Artists like Donald Judd, Carl Andre, and Dan Flavin were key figures in shaping and defining minimalism, which focused on simplicity, geometric forms, and the use of industrial materials.

How did the African American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s address the failures of Reconstruction?

it didnt

What is The counterculture movement of the mid-to-late 20th Century?

reaction to the conservative social norms of the 1950s.