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People need to see the engine visibly in the rear view mirror.

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Q: Why is the firetruck red?
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What is the color of a red firetruck?


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Firetruck, Elephants, and red Hippos

What color is a red firetruck?

Red. Ummm no u most be color blind cuz i think its purple

Color that beginds with letter 'f'?

forest green, fuchsia, flamingo pink, flame red, fawn, firetruck red

What does the word firetruck mean?

firetruck is a truck that puts out fire. or in other case some times people say "what the Fire truck" which is FiretrUCK so the first letter of firetruck and the last 3 letters spell F*ck

Is a firetruck red?

To be visibly recognisable.As this appears in the jokes and riddles sectionWell Russians are reds and a fire engine is always rushin'

What is Arkansas College football team's name?

Razorbacks commonly called the "hogs" their mascot resembles a firetruck red boar.

How do you beat level 14 in vehicles game?

You have to move the firetruck under the box. Drop the box ontop of the firetruck and then drive the black car onto the firetruck. Drive the firetruck to the trash bin and let the black car go drive into the trash. Stop the firetruck under the ambulance and then drop the ambulance onto the firetruck. After that just park the ambulance in the parking spot. It might take a couple times to get the cars to balance ontop of the crate without falling over.

Are there any firetruck themed bedding sets?

Yes, several companies make firetruck themed bedding sets.

Are there living red horses?

That depends on your concept of red. If you mean bright red like a firetruck, no, horses don't come in that color. On the other hand, certain shades of chestnut (a brown hue) can be reddish in appearance and may be colloquially referred to as "red."

What are the White Rhinos predoters?


What drives firefighters to a fire?

A firetruck.