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A. Igor Sikorsky

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Q: Who is credited with inventing the first mass-produced helicopter?
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Who is credited with inventing the first mass produced helicopter?

Igor Sikorsky

What is the name of the man credited with inventing the helicopter?

Juan de la Cierva, a spaniard is responsible for the helicopters we see today but the first helicopter was invented by the polish pioneer Oszkár Asbóth

Who invented the helicopter in the US in 1939?

Igor Sikorski was well on the way with inventing the first practical helicopter then

Who is credited with inventing the first aiplane with an engine?

The Wright brothers.

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Alessandro Volta is credited with inventing the first battery in 1800. His invention, known as the Voltaic pile, was the first electrochemical cell capable of producing a steady electric current.

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In 1961, Leonard Kleinrock was the first to publish a paper about the idea of packet switching, which is essential to Internet. Sources:

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Herbert A. Gilbert is credited with inventing the first electronic cigarette in 1963.

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Wilbur and Orville Wright are credited with inventing the airplane.

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