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1917: Oshkosh four wheel drive truck

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Q: What was the first 4 wheel drive car invented?
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Who legally was the first person to drive a car?

the person that invented the first car and drove it.

What was the first front wheel drive car?

. Front-wheel drive was introduced by Citroen in 1934 The 1936 Cord 812 became the first U.S. built front wheel drive automobile.

When was the first front wheel drive car produced?

The cord

Who made the first front wheel drive car?


Was the biycle invented before or after the car?

the bicycle was invented after the car. the car was invented in 1672 by Ferdinand and the bicycle was invented in 1817 by Baron Von Darais

How do you change an AWD car to a FWD car?

you take away the other 3 wheel functions and boom it is a first wheel drive

Are minis the car rear wheel drive or front wheel drive?

They are front wheel drive.

Who invented the three wheel automobile?

Daimler's first car was a three wheeler

What side is the drive wheel on for 91 buick 3.8?

the drive wheel thing is a myth. both wheels pull. on a rear wheel drive car of truck many think the right wheel is the drive wheel. not true. the differential causes both wheels to pull evenly. on a rear drive the right wheel will usually spin first due to the tourque of the drive shaft. on a front wheel drive the wheel that spins first will depend on traction conditions

Can you change a rear wheel drive car to a all wheel drive?

Basically, no. It would be much easier to just buy an all wheel drive car.

When was the three wheel car invented?

The first production Automobile was a three wheeler, 1890

What was the persons name who invented the first car motor powered car?

Carl Benz invited a three-wheel-vehicle - the first car, because more than two wheels. The first four-wheel-car was built by Gottlieb Daimler.