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It completely depends on the make and model of the aircraft. The F-18E uses the APG-79.

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Q: What radar is used to dectect the presence of a enemy aircraft?
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Which thing is used to locate an enemy aircraft at night?

Radar is used. it locates all, not just enemy aircraft.

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Which new technology helps meteorologists dectect and study storms?

Doppler radar

What type of radar used in air traffic control?

Primary and secondary radar are commonly used in air traffic control. Primary radar detects the presence of aircraft by sending out radio waves and measuring the time it takes for the signal to bounce back. Secondary radar relies on transponders installed on aircraft to send out a signal that is received by the ground radar system, providing more detailed information about the aircraft's identity and altitude.

What device on an aircraft allows it to detect if it is being targeted by an anti-aircraft weapon?

IFF (identification of friend and foe device) will detect the enemy aircraft. Radar system also plays role in this operation.

What do you mean by semi stealth?

semi stealth means that the aircraft is hard to detect on enemy radar systems giving the aircraft the upper hand in a dogfight. the F-22 is a prime example of this.

What is an airplane radar?

Radar on an airplane is used to detect and avoid severe weather, namely is also used to detect enemy or friendly air crafts surrounding the area of flight.It keeps an aircraft present on other aircraft radars and also on the ground radars. Transport aircraft do NOT detect other aircrafts. It MAY on military airplanes but again NOT on transport aircraft.

Incoming enemy aircraft how was England defended?

A system called RADAR was used to warn of incomming enemy aircraft and then a series of radio stations relayed the warnings to fighter command and then the air fields in the areas would be told and the fighters scrambled to intersept the incoming enemy. Also coastal defenses would warn and ingage with Anti aircraft guns.

How has the radar helped?

Radar is where microwaves are transmitted and received by special equipment. Objects that reflect radar can be detected by radar Radar was initially developed to enable enemy aircraft to be detected and their position, speed and direction calculated so that defending aircraft could be scrambled to attack them. It is likely that without the advantage of radar, the Germans would have gained air superiority over Britain and launched a full scale invasion during the second world war. More portable equipment was made that was fitted to ships and aircraft to enable enemy targets to be found at night or in times of low visibility like fog. Today most aircraft, ships and even small yachts are fitted with radar. It can enable you to see reflective objects like other aircraft or ships, land or even areas of rain at night or in poor visibility conditions. If you look at websites with weather information it often shows radar images that shows where heavy rain is falling or is predicted to fall.

What new invention detected aircraft?

Radar was the new invention that was used to detect aircraft during World War II. It uses radio waves to detect the presence, direction, and speed of objects, including aircraft, by sending out pulses of electromagnetic waves and analyzing the echoes that bounce back.

How many parts are there on a stealth plane?

a stealth plane has the normal components of any other aircraft. the main difference is the exterior design of the aircraft. a stealth plane \s body is made at high angles to help deflect enemy radar. they also use radar absorbant paint so the radar pick up is nil or similar to that of a small bird.

Who created the stealth aircraft?

An American aerospace firm, Lockhead Corporation, an American research and development firm Northrop Corporation, invented it. The first generation of radar-invisible aircraft, stealth planes were designed to elude enemy radar systems.