

What is the horsepower of f16?

Updated: 12/20/2022
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12y ago

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At Mach 1.97 an F-16 is producing approx. 100,098 shp.

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The short answer is near 15 HP. The horsepower is the amount a horse can produce for a continuous time period at a slow haul, however in a gallop for short periods that power level shoots up dramatically, this is why a horse can whip say a 5hp mini motorbike. A person can peak at about 1 HP but their continuous power output is about 1/8th HP Interestingly enough the person who came up with the HP as a unit of measure bears the same name as the metric unit of power that's replacing HP Now if you are talking about the F16 and not the pilot himself, Above supersonic speeds around 100,000 horsepower.

Hey is it possible in real life for a Hind D gunship to down an F16?

Technically possible but practically impossible........unless it was on the tarmac Remember the two machines are designed for very different roles. The Hind is a ground attack aircraft whilst the F16 is (as its name suggests) a fighter. The F16 has everything in its advantage. Speed, weapons, technology and probably most significantly distance. It wouldn't take much for the F16 to knock a hind our the sky as the AMRAAM-120 (its principle medium range weapon) has a range of 48km or 30 miles. The hind would be history before it even knew the F16 was there. As a totally unrealistic setting - if for arguments sake the F16 was out of missiles ( at which point it would most likely bug out) and it chose to fight with guns then if by some miracle the f16 missed and the hind got a shot off with its gun and hit the F16 then yes I suppose it could down it.

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It is approximately 1,400 knots..

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