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There is a great discount for auto insurance that is offered to those in the military in Canada. The military discount for auto insurance is about 60% of what it usually is.

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Q: What is the Military Discount for Auto Insurance in Canada?
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Some of the companies where you can get the best discount for teen auto insurance are geico or allstate.

Which companies offer discount auto insurance quotes?,, and all provide discount auto insurance quotes. also allows you to compare discount rates.

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Homeowners insurance is separate from auto insurance. You may get a discount if you buy both from the same company.

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you can receive free insurance quotes at

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If you happen to be where I am, London, ON, go to Discount Auto Repair, or Sammy's Discount Auto. If your in Canada in general, Canadian Tire usually has some sort of discount to be found.

What kind of driving record is needed in order to qualify for a discount on auto insurance?

Whether or not an auto insurance discount is available to customers on the basis of driving record is variable depending on the particular insurance company. However, for one to realistically expect to merit such a discount, a record with no points is necessary.

What is the best way to get an auto insurance quote in Canada?

The best way to get an auto insurance quote in Canada is by using Insurance Hotline's website. This website allows one to find cheap insurance quotes in the US and Canada.

What is the special deal offered by ING Auto Insurance?

ING Auto Insurance offers up to a 85% discount on an auto insurance. ING offers up to 120 auto insurances and are very cheap compared to auto insurances and for what you get.

Can you qualify for auto insurance discount with a 2.9 GPA?

no, has to be at least 3.0

If you bundle auto home and life insurance will AllState offer a discount?

Of course All State Insurance will. The more of your business they get, the more of a discount they will offer.

What exactly is a no claims discount?

A no claims discount is given by auto insurance companies. If a policy owner files no claims for usually 5 years, a discount is given towards the insurance premium.