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Q: What is a self-propelled missile launched from a submarine called?
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What is a submarine missile called?

In the American submarine force their are two types of missiles: 1. Tomahawk® Land Attack Missile (TLAM) 2. Sea-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) A multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) warhead is what is deployed on a SLBM. The TLAM can carry a conventional warhead or a single nuclear warhead.

What are the things called that they put a missiles in to shoot them off?

While a rocket is sitting on a launch pad, it is surrounded by a metal frame called a gantry. The gantry breaks away when the rocket is launched. If a missile is launched from underground, it emerges from a missile silo. A missile can also be launched from a portable missile launcher.

What was the first missile launched by pakistan?

It is that Indians are stupid Muslims rule them and Pakistan will kill all those indians

What is a submarine missile called starts with a T?

Tamahawk® Cruise Land Attack Missile (TLAM) is an all-weather, long range, subsonic cruise missile used for land attack warfare, launched from U. S. Navy surface ships and U.S. Navy and Royal Navy submarines. It is capable of carrying both conventional and nuclear warheads.

What is a suffix for submarine?

The codes are- for conventional () non nuclear powered) Submarines- SS ( for example the U.S.S. is SS-297. Atomic subs are SSN or SSBn - BN if fitted for Ballistic missiles such as the Polaris or Trident types ( there is no Submarine Called the Polaris- it is a guided missile!) so SS- submarine, SSN- Nuclear submarine- SSBN- Nuclear submarine- Missile type.

What is a Submariner called?

In the American submarine force their are two types of missiles: 1. Tomahawk® Land Attack Missile (TLAM) 2. Sea-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) A multiple independently targetable reentry vehicle (MIRV) warhead is what is deployed on a SLBM. The TLAM can carry a conventional warhead or a single nuclear warhead.

What is a torpedeo?

A torpedo is like an underwater missile about the size of a man. They are shot by submarine or placed and will exploded when touched. The Nazi used 2 to sink a ship called the Lusitania.

Why are ballistic missile submarines called boomers?

The term comes from the "B" and "M" letters in the acronym, "FBM", which stands for Fleet Ballistic Missile (Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine). The combined "BM" was translated into a Navy nickname, Boomer. It's similar to a BMW automobile being called a Beemer. The fact that ballistic missiles go "boom" when they explode also played a role in the slang term. Otherwise, they could have been called "beemers" also.

How Sputnik was sent outside the Earth?

It was launched into orbit by a soviet rocket called the R-7 Semyorka. This was originally designed to carry nuclear warheads, it was the first ICBM (intercontinental ballistic missile).

What are people in a submarine called?

The submarine is manned by the crew, and crew members are called submariners.

Is there a missile called spud missile?

its not spud but "SCUD" missile.its a Russian missile but in NATOs code its called a scud was developed during the cold war.

What is the person who steers a submarine called?

The 'helmsman' steers a submarine.