What happens when a car collides with a beer can? Answer - the same thing.
If a train going at a high rate of speed collides with a vehicle, it will almost assuredly totally destroy the vehicle and kill the people in it. Though chances of survival are better when the train is going a slow speed, the devastation to the vehicle and occupants of the vehicle is still very likely to be grave.
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A average freight train going 50 mph (80 km/h) will take up to 1.5 miles. That is how long a freight train takes to stop if it collides with a car.
If a train going at a high rate of speed collides with a vehicle, it will almost assuredly totally destroy the vehicle and kill the people in it. Though chances of survival are better when the train is going a slow speed, the devastation to the vehicle and occupants of the vehicle is still very likely to be grave. Jeepneys are often unsafe and if there are any safety measures, it would be to stop and look both ways for trains before crossing a railroad.
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Unfortunately, trains collide with motor vehicles every day. These collisions often result in fatalities. The same result would occur in a collision with a Jeepney.
Go to http://www.wjjeeps.com/homelink.htm
Histeria - 1998 When Time Collides 1-18 was released on: USA: 10 October 1998
There are train tracks everywhere. And there are bitumen roads and cars, so there are jeeps. We are more than a couple of sheds in the middle of the desert, you know. We have cities, and people, and yes, we even have McDonalds.
One can find parts for a 2000 Jeep Cherokee from the following retailers: Euro Car Parts, Parts Gateway, Charlton Auto Parts, eBay, Parts Train, Auto Parts Warehouse.
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