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Q: What does flag code mA mean on Army ERB?
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What does flag code UA mean on Army ERB?

You are flagged for Drug Abuse.

What does the flag code 'VA' stand for on my ERB in the army?

Alchol Related Incedient/After reciving a no drinking order.

What does the code BA on the army ERB stand for?

im going through it now and i also see it on my erb its basically saying your getting chapters or seperated out of the army.

US Flag created by the 13 year old?

no idea ___________________________________________________________________ love cilla erb

What does dmb-dwv stand for on an Army ERB?

Driver Mechanic badge driver wheeled vehicle

What is the army asi for air assault?

The ASI for Air Assault is 2B. You are able to put it on your ERB now.

What has the author Leo Erb written?

Leo Erb has written: 'Erb' -- subject(s): Exhibitions

Can army medical board keep you past ets date?

Yes. A meb will hold you past your ets date if you so choose to go through with a meb and not get out on your ets date. Your peblo will direct you to your battalion and have your enlistment office enter an extension code on your erb about 12 months past the date you started your meb. It will keep you active duty until the meb is complete. If the meb completes befor the date set on your erb thin you will not be held to the date of your erb only until the completion of the meb. Hope this helped you.

When was Karl Erb born?

Karl Erb was born in 1877.

When did Karl Erb die?

Karl Erb died in 1958.

When was Summer Erb born?

Summer Erb was born in 1977.

When did Donald Erb die?

Donald Erb died in 2008.