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Twin engine

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Q: What do you call the plane with two propellers?
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Parts of propeller plane?

Wheels and cockpit are two parts of a plane with propellers.

How long were the propellers on the wright brothers plane?

The propellers on the plane were 8.5 feet long

What is a example of propellers on a plane?

there are no propllers on planes but there are on helicopters

How long were the propellers on the plane of the Wright Brothers?

8.5 feet long. The two props were turned by a 12 hp engine.

What plane has 6 propellers?

Convair B-36 Peacemaker

What was the wright brothers first plane made out of?

The Wright Brothers' plane was made out of 90 pine wood struts and beams. The wingspan was covered in canvas and it had two oak propellers.

What parts of a plane help it fly?

wings, propellers ,engine , gravity

How do the propeller on a plane help the plane to fly?

the propellers go woosh and then the plane turns into an Elephant then it runs and jumps...hope i helped!

What is a propeller plane?

It's a plane that is propeller-driven. The engine or engines drive propellers to provide thrust for the craft.

What was the proellers he plane and what were they made of?

The propellers are the things bolted to the engine crankshaft, or to a reduction gearbox, that pull the plane through the air. Propellers used to all be made of wood and some still are - the Sensenich Propeller Company manufactures wood propellers to this day. They're also made from aluminum or carbon fiber.

What are the parts of a plane?

Propellers Flaps Elevators Rudder Fuselage Wings Aileron

How do the propellers on a plane work?

They rotate and produce forward movement through thrust.