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They're heavily armoured and they have a cannon. Also their caterpillar wheels help when going over uneven ground.

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Q: What are the advantages for the tanks?
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What advantages and disadvanages associated with keeping a mouse in a tank rather than a cage?

tanks smell better...(not as bad) tanks are harder to clean

What are the advantages of using stainless steel to make tanks?

The advantage of using stainless steel to make tanks is its strength. It is a material that is very hard to damage and thus provides great protection for whatever is inside.

What advantages do helicopters have over trucks or tanks or being on foot?

It is much faster and can get in and out of rough terrain that trucks cannot access.

What advantages have tanks?

They're bullet proof, don't get flat tires, can travel cross country, and go thru walls.

What are the Advantages of liquid level measurement?

Some advantages of liquid level measurement include real-time monitoring, improved process control, early detection of leaks or spills, and increased safety by preventing overfilling or underfilling of tanks.

What are the advantages of having a gas furnace?

Gas furnaces have many advantage that average buyer is unaware of.Some of these advantages include:less pollution,no need for large storage tanks,produces less emissions and higher efficiency.

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we can save water that can be wasted by overflown by the many tanks if it rings as an indicator we can save water

What were the advantages of tanks in world war 2?

Tanks were able to move farther and faster than soldiers walking. Also, tank had weapons capabilities two machine guns, along with a .75mm gun,which was used for accuracy and long range. Tanks also had a psychological effect on personal because tanks were armored plated,small arms fire did little effect on them., tanks also had a choice of shells to use on targets, disciplinary high explosive, smoke,etc... Tanks were just a part of the military organization to provide support to the infantry.

What did tanks replace in battle?

Tanks were invented in WWI and they were designed to breach entrenched positions. Before the invention of tanks there was nothing that could fill this role. In a more strategic sense, they offered some of the same advantages that cavalry traditionally provided. Although the first tanks were slow, they soon became fast compared to a foot soldier. This combination of speed and power allowed them to punch a hole in the enemy's defenses and continue attacking.

How many tanks does Morocco have?

600 tanks

US tanks vs Japan tanks?

janapneese tanks were weak compared to the russains and Americans

Who benefited most from tanks?

The infantrymen benefited most from tanks. Tanks and Artillery support the infantrymen.