

Is the f-16 falcon still in use?

Updated: 10/22/2022
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14y ago

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Yes, the F-16 is still used domestically at several AF Bases and overseas in support of foreign war efforts.

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Q: Is the f-16 falcon still in use?
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What is the top speed of the F16-fighting falcon?

The top speed listed for the F-16 is Mach 2+ (in excess of 1500 mph).

What is the maximum speed of a f16?

The F-16 fighting falcon's maximum speed is 1,500 mph, 2,410 km/h with a minimal load configuration.

What is the armor of the F-16 fighting falcon?

in a f16 it has anti missle back bomb that explodes the missle. It also has aim 19 missles for attacking hostile enmies. The f16 has also got a glass cockpit and complicated flight controles. Sinseraly, William O.M. Porter

How fast can the F16 fly?

an f16 fighter falcon can fly more than mach 2 or 2,124km/h ( 1,320mph ) hi very fast

How do you turn on after burner f16 in a f16?

Move the throttle handle forward into the augmenter range.

What is an f16 aircraft?

An F-16 is a Fighting Falcon, unless it is an F-16N, used by the Navy, which is a Viper. It is true that the Navy used the F-16N, however, "Viper" is simply a nickname given to the aircraft by those around it. Fighting Falcon and Viper can be used interchangeably for all models of the F-16.

How do you use the falcon in wild ones?

The falcon does it randomly.

When was the F16 fighter first flown?

According to the FAS Miltary Analysis Network website, the F 16 Fighting Falcon was first flown in December of 1976. The first F 16 was single seat model.

Who would win sonic or captin falcon ssbb?

Sonic is fast, but not the strongest. Captain Falcon is fast, and still very strong. "Falcon... PUNCH!!!!!" "And the winner is... Captain Falcon!"

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