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Like Americans, they call their tanks "armor"; in German armor is pronounced panzer. In the US Army (during the Vietnam era) an armor crewman was a tank crewman. A German tank crewman would be called a panzer crewman.

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Q: In World War 2 what did the Germans call their tanks?
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How was the tanks used in world war 2?

In World War 2, tanks were mainly used in the European theatre. In the European theatre, the Allies used tanks mainly for attacking and reinforcing infantry, whereas, with the clever Germans, they used Tanks as single divisions, offence and defence (defending the area they conquered during World War 2. along with this the Germans used tanks to weaken the Allied defences very quickly.

Which war were tanks first used?

Tanks were used in World War 1 and the Allied tanks were better equipped than the germans' although the germans' were bigger and i think they were faster the Allied tanks were superior to their enemies' WW1 was when tanks were used in large scale for the first time but i think they were invented some time before the war but not long before. hope that helps!!! :-)

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Just look for it. you will find it

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Germany's first tanks were captured British tanks; they simply painted German emblems on them and sent them back against their former owners.

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What country in the mid to late 1930s was a rehersal for world war 2?

The Spanish Civil war was used to test aircraft, tanks and tactics by the Germans.

What did we call the Germans in the First World War?

In World War I the British called the Germans Jerry/Jerries although it was more commonly used in world war II.