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Q: How thick is the M1A2 Abrams tank armour?
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How thick is tank armor?

Depends on what tank you are referring to. The M1A2 Abrams tank has 120 mm (4.72 inches) of armour.

Which is better m1a1 abrams tank or m1a2 abrams tank?

M1A2 is the more advanced model.

What is the size of the biggest tank ever?

M1A2 Abrams. 68 tons of steel.

What is the us' main battle tank?

M1a2 stats: 125mm smoothbore cannon,1500 hp and manual loader

What is the biggest tank in the world est tank in the world?

The biggest tank in the world would probably be the US M1A2 Abrams main battle tank.

Is the M1A2 Abrams the most advanced Tank in the world?

It is among the most advanced in production, though it's not the only such tank in existence.

What type of ammunition is used in a M1A2 abrams?

120mm smoothbore tank ammo, 12.7x99 (.50 BMG), and 7.62x51.

How much is a abrams tank?

The M1A2 costs $6.21 million per, although there have since been upgrade programmes which have likely made the tank more expensive.

Is the M1A1 Abrams the most advanced Tank in the world?

this answer is not ture for many reason one. the m1a1 is a out dated verison of the m1a2 and the most advanced tank in the world is the British Challenger 2

What is a better overall tank the American M1 Abrams or the British Challenger?

The Challenger. Although the Abrams is one of the three best in the world, the Challenger has greater accuracy, greater offroad speed, superior armour and improved firepower. American tank armour is made by a British company and acted for the Challenger's armour's prototype. Challenger armour has been improvd twice since then.

What tank does the U.S army use?

M1A2 and M1A1 Abrams. There MIGHT still be some M60A3 tanks in use with the National Guard.

How expensive is modern tank like t-80t-95xk2 leopard 2a6 ex or todays modern tanks like m1a2 abrams?

The cost is around 4 million.