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12.3 million - what currency, Pounds, Dollars, Euros etc? Various different military jets would cost different amounts, but certainly many millions of dollars or pounds, probably tens or hundreds of millions.

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Q: How much is a military jet?
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How much gas does a military jet take?

Depends on the model

What is the size of a military jet?

There are all kinds of "military jet" . You would need to name a specific one for that answer

What do military jet fighters do?

Military jet fighters patrol and if necessary attack the nations enemies. -They are a projection of power.

How much would a jet plane will cost?

Entirely dependent on the "jet". The latest military jets can cost in excess of a billion dollars but a small private jet (new) wouldn't cost much more than several tens of millions of pounds.

How much fatser is a jet than a airplane?

A jet IS an airplane. However most piston engined aircraft fly in the speed range of 150 -350 mph, while most civilian jets fly between 400 and 600 mph. Military jet fighters are much faster.

What is the altitude of a military jet?

It depends on the jet or aircraft you are refering too some go into our atmosphere

How much do jet engine mechanics make?

starting out with about 50 thousand to 60 thousand a year and you can go to the military and learn that trade

What are the two types of military aircraft?

jet and propeller

What are the release dates for Badassery - 2011 Military Jet 1-2?

Badassery - 2011 Military Jet 1-2 was released on: USA: 29 March 2011

What is a military pilot?

It's a person, trained by the military to fly military aircraft such as jet fighters, bombers, tankers, etc.

What military aircraft can fly backwards?

The Harrier Jump Jet

Why was the jet invented?

It was invented for military purposes in Nazi Germany.