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Q: How many planes has Boeing made?
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Which all Boeing aircraft are there in kingfisher airlines Mumbai?

The Kingfisher planes use the Airbus planes made in France planes for its fleet. Not the Boeing.

Why are planes called Boeing?

Boeing Airlines, Inc is the name of the company that manufactures many of the planes that fly today.

How many Boeing 777 are made each month?

There are 8.3 Boeing 777 aircraft that are made each month. This is equal to approximately 100 planes every given year.

Where are US planes made?

One's Boeing and that's in Seattle

What does Boeing export?

Boeing exports planes.

Where the planes on the September attacks Boeing 747's?

No,the planes where Boeing 757s and 767s.

What is the first serial number of Boeing planes?

The first serial number of Boeing planes is 707.

Difference between Boeing 747 or 777?

the 747 is larger than the 777 and has 2 decks, but the two planes are made by boeing.

What are Boeing 747 planes made out of?

All airplanes are made of Aluminium, Steel and some alloys of Titanium.

What planes are made by Lufthansa?

Lufthansa is a German based airline, it is not an airplane manufacturer. Lufthansa flies planes made by Boeing and sometimes Airbus. Lufthansa is headquartered in Cologne, Germany.

What planes do Jet2 use on Newcastle to Dalaman flights?

Boeing 737 or Boeing 757.

Where can one find information about the Boeing KC 135?

Boeing's website is a large repository of information of all of Boeing's planes including the Boeing KC 135. There are also many books about the Boeing KC 135 such as BOEING: Boeing 707 KC-135 and Their Derivatives by Dominique Breffort available for purchase.