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Indeffinently within fuel limitations, or system temperatures.

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Q: How long can helicopter hover in the same spot?
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Hover in a meaningful sentence?

One of the advantages of the helicopter is that it can hover over one spot.

How long can helicopter hover in the same spot close to the ground?

This will mostly depend on weath(wind/tubulence mostly). and in these conditions. the skills of the pilot. if perfect weather(for flying) until it runs out of fuel, or become unstablized.

Can a helicopter drop from the sky if it hovers in one spot for too long?

No, a helicopter will not drop from the sky if it hovers in one spot for too long. Helicopters are designed to hover, and their engines provide continuous lift to keep them airborne. However, factors like fuel consumption and engine performance should be monitored to ensure safe operation.

Why won't a helicopter that hovers for 12hrs end up on the other side of the earth when it lands 12hrs later?

The helicopter that is hovering over a place on the earth is n bound to the earth by the gravitational force of the earth. This gravitational attractive force on the helicopter is directed towards the center of the earth. As the earth rotates around itself the helicopter is pulled along with it. So the point directly below the earth's surface does not get displaced. Thus the helicopter cannot move away from the spot. For the helicopter to get itself free from the gravitational pull of the earth it has to be lifted to a height of millions of kilometers, where it cannot hover because a helicopter requires the presence of air to hover.

How does a helicopter hover in the same spot?

A helicopter hovers in the same spot by maintaining a balance between lift force generated by its rotors and weight. The pilot adjusts the rotor speed and angle of the blades to create enough lift to counteract gravity and keep the helicopter stationary. By making small adjustments to the rotor controls, the pilot can also counteract external forces like wind to maintain a stable hover.

What does the word HOVERED mean?

To hover is to stay in the air above a certain spot. Helicopters can do this; so can hummingbirds. The -ed ending shows that it happened in the past. "Yesterday a helicopter hovered over my house for 15 minutes."

How do fish hover?

How can they hover? Their in WATER. But if your talking about them in the water they move their fins in circles to stay in one spot.

Is there other hover-spot addresses?

Wouldn't hurt to use the word, "are."

What is hovering of helicopter?

Hovering is flying in one spot without moving (much)

What is a synonym for landing spot?

helicopter pad airstrip landing pad landing strip helipad

How are helicopters a useful means of air transport?

They can take off vertically and can hover over one spot. Traditional aircraft can not do that.

How do bats hover in one spot?

They don't. Flying and hovering are two different actions, and the speed at which bats are able to flap their wings does not allow for them to stay in one spot for long. The angle of wings also plays a role--since a bat's wings are flat against the air they can not stay still. Few birds are able to hover as well. The humming bird, for example, have an angle to their wings and push the wind around them quickly enough to stay in a single place.