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Q: How high could an SR-71 blackbird fly?
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What layer of atmosphere did the SR71 Blackbird fly in?


How fast did the sr71 blackbird fly?

2200 mph

What layer of atmosphere did the SR71-Blackbird fly in?

The SR-71 Blackbird primarily operated in the stratosphere, which is the second major layer of Earth's atmosphere. This layer is characterized by high altitudes, low air pressure, and stable atmospheric conditions - ideal for high-speed, high-altitude flight capabilities of the SR-71.

How fast did the SR-71 Blackbird airplane fly?

SR71 Blackbird Model M-21: maximum speed: 2211miles/h Generally, the given answer for all models of the SR71 is: "In excess of Mach 3", or more than three times the speed of sound. see related links below for more info

How long does it take for a SR71 Blackbird to fly from Los Angeles to New York?

In 1990 the SR-71 went from the West Coast to the East Coast in 68 minutes and 17 seconds. That's as close as I could get to Los Angeles to New York.

How high can the SR-71 Blackbird fly?

Over 85,000 feet.

How far can a tricolored blackbird fly?

they fly on and on on and on on and on on and on on and on on and on on and on on and on! they fly forever!

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What airplane can fly the highest?

The Blackbird

Which one can fly higher SR-71 Blackbird or Missiles?

The SR-71 Blackbird can fly way much more higher than Missiles. So the SR-71 Blackbird win.

How many miles per hour could the SR-71 blackbird fly?

Mach 3.5 about 2600 mph

How fast can a SR 71 Blackbird fly?

They can fly at over Mach 3.5 .