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Q: How heavy is a military helicopter with two propellers?
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How many propellers are there on a helicopter?

Generally speaking there are 4 propellers. Two of them are crossed over each other that form the main propellers, and the other two are at the rear.

What is the name of the helicopter with two propellers used to carry suppies?

black hawk

What are the two small propellers on a helicopter?

Propellors are on airplanes. Helicopters call them rotors. The small rotor on the back of the helicopter is used to counteract the torque created from the engine driving the main rotors.

For a helicopter to be stable as it flies it must have at least two propellers. why?

Helicopters require at least two propellers to achieve stability through a concept known as "counter-torque". The main rotor produces torque that would rotate the body of the helicopter in the opposite direction. The tail rotor or fenestron is used to counteract this torque, providing stability by keeping the helicopter from spinning uncontrollably.

Does a Boeing 707 have propellers?

No, the Boeing 707 did not have propellers, it had 4 turbo fan engines, two on each wing

The AH-1W Super Cobra is an attack helicopter used mainly by what US military service?

The SUPER Cobra (two engines instead of one) is a "post" Vietnam helicopter used by the USMC because it was cheaper to buy than the newe APACHE attack helicopter.

What happen to the other two titanic propellers?

in a mueseum

What do you call the plane with two propellers?

Twin engine

How many people can fit in anApache helicopter?

The AH-64 Apache is a 4-blade, twin-engine is an attack military helicopter with a tailwheel-type landing gear arrangement, and a tandem cockpit for a two-man crew.

What does an Apache helicopter do?

The Apache helicopter is used in many nations for an attack helicopter. This type of helicopter allows for a two man cockpit and weapons to be placed all around. The AH-64 Apache helicopter is outfitted with night vision systems, a 30-millimeter chain gun, AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, and Hydra 70 rocket pods. This helicopter was approved for full American military production in 1982. The Apache helicopter is still being made today, under new models.

What is a helicopter with two sets of blades called?

That is a twin rotoe helicopter

Parts of propeller plane?

Wheels and cockpit are two parts of a plane with propellers.