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This largley relies on the aerodynamic design , engine(s) , and surroinding enviorment of the aircraft. I am going to give you some service ceilings of common helicopters. Civilian # Bell 206 - 13,500ft (4,115m) # EC 130 - 15,655ft (4,770m) # MD 600N - 18,700ft (5,700m) # SW-4 - 17,056ft (5,200m) # Mi-34 - 14,760ft (4,500m) Military (Cargo / Utility) # UH-60 - 19,000ft (5,790m) # CH-53 - 16,750ft (5,106m) # Mi-26 - 15,100ft (4,6000m) # Mi-17 - 19,690ft (6,000m) # EH 101 - 15,000ft (4,575m)

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Q: How far up can helicopters go?
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Ancient Romans - no, not as far as we know.

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No, helicopters were not used.

How fast can a helicopters speed go up to when its flyingg?

Very fast, they can reach top speed in a few minutes

What do you call photographs takes from airplans or helicopters?

Aerial Photography, as far as I can see.

How fast can a helicopters go?

Some experimental helicopters can fly as fast as 300 mph. However most helicopters in service fly less than 200 mph.

Do any helicopters have a duel avgas and diesel fuel system?

Not any as far as I know.

Can helicopters go backwards?

Yes, by changing the rotor angle.

In Fahrenheit 451 what metaphor did Montag use to describe the helicopters?

Montag describes the helicopters as "hospitals full of suicides." This metaphor emphasizes the destructive nature of the helicopters as they are used to suppress individuality and free thought.

Why can't helicopters fly into the stratosphere?

The air gets thinner as altitude increases, which in turn decreases the amount of lift an aircraft can get. The air in the stratosphere is far too thing for helicopters and most planes.