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Any modern jet fighter can go past the speed of sound.

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Q: How f15 jet can go faster than sound?
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What is faster a fighter jet or sound?

A fighter jet can be faster than the speed of sound.

Is there any object that is faster than sound?

Jet planes often fly faster than sound.

What type of jet travels faster than the speed of sound?


Can a jet fighter fire its canons while flying faster than the speed of sound?

Yes, a jet fighter can fire its cannons while flying faster than the speed of sound. The bullets fired from the cannons can also travel faster than the speed of sound, effectively hitting the target even when the jet is flying at supersonic speeds.

If the sound of a jet plane does not come from the part of the sky where the plane is seen does that mean the plane is traveling faster than the speed of sound?

Yes, if you hear the sound of a jet plane before you see it, it means the plane is traveling faster than the speed of sound. This phenomenon is known as a sonic boom and occurs when an object moves through the air faster than the speed of sound, creating a shockwave.

How faster than sound is the f16 fighter jet?

It will fly approximately twice the speed of sound.

Which aeroplain travels faster than sound?

The Concorde was a commercial supersonic jet that traveled faster than the speed of sound. It had a top speed of around Mach 2, which is about 1,354 miles per hour.

Where does the f15 fighter jet live?

It does not live.It is a machine.

How can you tell if a jet is flying faster than the speed of sound?

wait for the sonic boom

Who broke the speed of sound in a jet?

We call them sonic booms. There are jets can fly faster than sound speed.

Do you hear jets before you see them?

Yes, jets often create sound waves that travel faster than the aircraft itself, so you may hear them before they become visible. This can depend on various factors such as the distance between you and the jet, weather conditions, and the aircraft's speed and altitude.

Does a supersonic jet travel faster than sound?

Yes, a supersonic jet travels faster than the speed of sound, which is approximately 767 miles per hour at sea level. Supersonic jets can reach speeds up to Mach 2 or more, which is twice the speed of sound.