well, if you mean the body part, it is bras, but if you mean like guns and stuff, armaments, it would be materiel de guerre, or you could also say armements.
OR more simply "armes", as in the rally call "Aux armes!" (to your weapons) or "arme-a-feux" (firearm)
You would say "J'ai de longs bras" in French.
"je meurs d'envie d'être dans tes bras"
je manque vos bras autour de moi
rendez - vous, déposez vos armes
No, it is impossible for your arms to fall off at a French horn academy.
If you mean "come and give me a hug", you could say "Viens me faire un câlin". If that means "take me in your arms", it is : "Prends-moi dans tes bras."
How you saiy coat of arme in french is je lission osre.Thets how you saiy coat of arms. ge les-ion o-sore is how you pernonce it!
brazos for the arms on your body, armas for military arms
Elle a sept bras.
Un blason (m)
fleur de lis