Get yourself a light machine gun. Hide under alcove between the armory cache and the gun cache. When the come into view, duck out and blast them one by one. If you hear the Gatling gun start to spin up, duck back under cover and wait 'till the bullets stop coming through the concrete. I buy mine before wave 4 so i don't forget.
Don't stink at multiplayer...
You beat all the ops on the hardest dificulty in the minimal amount of time to get all the stars. As for survival, just play everyone of the maps.
The predator missile is not included in MW3 for Wii.
Yes it does.
No. MW3 Survival only supports 2 players at a time.
yes you can 1 friend with you on survival
I believe it is level 50
I think you get it when you manage to call in 2 Attack Helicopters in 1 match.
AnswerNo, because they are Nazi zombies and MW doesn't have any Nazi, but MW3 will have Special Ops and Survival Mode.