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The rotor blades when spinning creates what is called the rotor disk, the disk is tilted in the direction that the pilot wishes to go.

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Q: How do helicopters change direction?
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Related questions

How do helicopters change speed?

By tilting the main rotor forward or backward.

How did helicopters change to still be useful?

Helicopters have improved and changed since they were first made. Many people and companies still work daily on improvements.

Why do helicopters have lights?

Helicopters have lights because of night operations. In the city they air lift people to the hospital, sometimes at night, so the helicopters can hit buildings at night without the lights. All aircraft have 'running lights' on them. That is so other aircraft can see them and tell which direction they are traveling.

When you change direction are you accelerating true or false?

True. Acceleration is any change in velocity, including a change in direction. So when you change direction, you are indeed accelerating.

How can you make an asteroid change direction?

Asteroids dont change direction

What is to change direction?

acceleration in a direction that is not parallel to the direction you are moving

Is the moon's acceleration expressed as a change in speed or a change in direction?

The moon's acceleration is expressed as a change in direction.

What is the rate of change for linear equations?

It is the gradient: the change in the vertical direction divided by the change in the horizontal direction.

Why almost all helicopters have a small tail rotor at the back?

when the main blade rotates it creates torque and if that torque is not countered by the rear rotor the helicopter will spin out and crash. the helicopters that do not have a rear rotor have another rotor that is the same size moving in the opposite direction

What do helicopters pilots do?

They fly helicopters.

When an object turn's around or reverses direction in its motion what happens?

When an object changes direction in its motion, its velocity changes, and if the object is accelerating, its acceleration will also change direction. This change in direction is due to the application of a force in the opposite direction. The object's kinetic energy may also change as a result of this change in direction.

What causes a spaceshuttle to change in velocity by change in direction?

A change in velocity due to a change in direction in a space shuttle is caused by the application of thrust from its engines. By adjusting the direction of thrust, the shuttle can alter its velocity vector, changing its speed and/or direction of travel. This allows the shuttle to adjust its course, orbit, or perform maneuvers in space.