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They copied it.

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Q: How did the Germans react to the invention of the tank?
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The Germans were caught by surprise.

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What tank design did the Germans have from the Poland?

your mother

What was the tiger tank?

the tiger tank was one of the Germans most heavily armoured tanks

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The bombs were dropped in Japan....

How does water react with diesel in a tank?

The water sinks and pools at the bottom of the tank

A weapon introduced by the Germans in 1914 was the tank?

Negative. The British introduced the first tank, and it was during WWI. The Germans built only one type of tank in WWI and they only built 21 of them...the A7V; it was built in 1917 and looked like a crawling shoe box.

What was intercepted by the british government and caused American to react angrily to the Germans?

Zimmermann telegram

What was intercepted by the British government and caused Americans to react angrily to the Germans?

Zimmermann telegram

What invention should you make?

a good invention would be a airsoft tank or somthing like a sling shot or a gun that shoots something