Ford Excursion 44 gallons.
The average gas mileage for sport utility vehicle (SUV) is about 18 miles per gallon for gas only models. Some hybrids get as high as 35 miles per gallon.
The only big drawbacks are gas prices. Since a Ford Expedition is a SUV, it will take alot of money to fill up the gas tank in it. But other than that, it is a pretty reliable vehicle.
2.5 Gallons is about average.
The gas tank is a 25 gallon tank.
The 2013 Cadillac Escalade SUV has a gas tank capacity of 26 gallons. Its manufacturer's suggested retail price started at $63,745.
It is a 15 gal. Gas tank on them cars I have one.
The first question is an SUV, a necessity at the present moment? Secondly, an SUV generally gets worse gas mileage than compact cars and also has a larger gas tank which translates into spending on gas. Lastly, SUV's generally cost more than basic compact cars so all this needs to be taken into consideration before buying.
The gas tank of a 2001 Volkswagen Beetle will hold 14.5 gallons of gas. It is a 55.0 liter tank.
1996 landrover discovery gas tank holds 23.4 gallons of gas.
If you are using tanked gas then yes a big tank is best.