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Q: Do military air planes fly every day?
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Related questions

How many Planes in the air at one time?

well what kinds of planes planes like x y or planes like air planes it depends at whattimes there are more planes in the air than at day . then there are two planes x and y. you can never know how many planes there are in the sky unless every air port was shut down. witch is nearly imposible because in order to shut all of them down there would havee to ba some kind of electic moufunction with the word and then nothing wuold work DC101

How many planes are flying at once?

On average, there are about 9,700 planes in the sky at any given time. This number can vary depending on factors such as time of day, air traffic, and geographic location. Flight tracking websites like Flightradar24 can provide real-time information on the number of planes in the air.

How many different types of rc planes are there ?

There a number of different RC Planes around now days. I am not sure what the exact number is but, just guessing I would say lest 25-50 different types of planes now a day are being tested for our military capability.

Where did all of the airplanes during 911 hit and land?

Two planes hit the Twin Towers and one plane hit the Pentagon. The third plane was supposed to hit the White House where Bush was, but due to the heroic actions of the passengers, it crashed in a field in Pennsylvania, giving Bush time to get out of harms way. The rest of the planes in the air at that time were ordered to land at the nearest airport or risk being shot down. The only planes allowed to fly the rest of that day were military or Air Force 1.

Where can you find forces in every day life?

Gravity :) Jump into the air every day, tell me if gravity is present.

Where do you bump in to lawrencium in every day life?

the air

How does air pollution occur?

every second of the day

When is it the right time to honor our military hero's?

every time any time bad or good every day

Name three important military holidays Americans celebrate annually?

Air Force Day, Army Day, and Navy Day.

What is made from alluminium?

everything ranging form military uses to every day uses

What is a compound that oxygen is in every day?

Water. Alcohol. Air.

Who creates the most air pollution every day?
