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Q: An ancient horse-drawn vehicle used in war?
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What is the vehicle called which is used in war?

the answer is tank.

How were bows used?

Bows are used to hunt but in ancient times it was used for war.

What were chariots use for in ancient China?

They were used to get around and in war

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The ancient Greeks were very effective in war. Especially the Spartans, which were war like giants with amazing skills and statistics used to defeat their enemies.

What is the Vehicle that are used in war place?

humvees. totally awesome humvees

What did the ancient Greeks use catapults for?

they used these catapults for war and destruction!

What did the Ancient Egyptians use spears for?

they used them in war or to hunt animals

What was the first vehicle used in would war?

well it was a tank so yea

What transport was used in the Ancient Greek war?

Boats. Aircraft. Boats. Aircraft.

When were pigeons used for messaging?

Pigeon messaging comes from ancient times. The military used as them as messenger in world war one and two and they were used again in the Iraq war.

What were iron tipped poles used for in Ancient China?

Iron tipped poles in ancient China were used as spears. These poles were known as qiang and were used for hunting first and then used during battles and war.

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a suit of armpit used in fighting and war in ancient times