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Youth military schools are highly structured schools that emphasize discipline, obedience, physical fitness, and academics. Originally these schools weredeveloped as an alternative to longer terms of confinement in juvenile correction facilities. Although the emphasis is still on discipline, youth military schools have generally evolved intomore traditional school environments focused onacademics, languages, performing artsand athletics. Larger schools have an astonishing array of extra-curricular activities. Military Schools areusually restricted to teens with mild behavioral and social issues, or teens who simply need more structure in their lives; they are not equipped to deal with seriousemotional, behavioral, substance abuse or ADD/ADHD, clinical depression, and ODD issues.

Similar to traditional boarding schools, youth military schools have a regular school year and a summer vacation. They usually have entrance exams geared to the average or above-average student. The highly structured environment helps to channel the unfocused energies of teens who haven't achieved their potential. Strong emphasis is placed on organization and self-management.With small class sizes and an excellent teacher/student ratio, individualizedprograms can be createdwith your specific teenager in mind.

Physical fitness and conditioning is a priority at youth military school, and through calisthenics, physical training and athletics theseteenagers will become fitter, stronger and more able-bodied than they ever imagined. With the staff and faculty acting as positive role models, the teens'energy levels will shoot up, as will their strength, sportsmanship, and confidence in themselves.

In youth military school there exists a high level of comradeship.Cadets work, live, exercise,learn,eat and sleep together. Friendships can last a lifetime. Without outside distractions, they bond and develop teamwork.Teensbecome disciplined in physically and emotionally healthy ways. This fosters leadership skills, and a crucial understanding of respect: for your teachers,fellow students, family, and perhaps most important, yourself.

Youth Military Schools are expensive, and may cost between$3,000 to $5,000 per month for a nine-month period. Most require the tuition up front. Some will accept payments in installments. Uniforms and incidentals can cost up to $4,000.

Do your homework. It's vital to find the school that is right for your teenager. Some are more military-style, others emphasize academics, and others focus on Christian values. All stress the importance of courage, self-discipline, responsibility, character, andleadership.

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Q: Youth military school: Developing Discipline And Responsibility?
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What's the difference between military school and boot camp?

A military school is a private school which emphasizes military style training and discipline. In general these are designed to prepare students for college if not a career in the military. A boot camp is a place where new military recruits receive their basic military training. However the term is often used to denote programs where wayward youths are sent in an attempt to change their behavior with strict discipline.

What was being taught in the school system in Japan during World War 2?

Technical science, mathematics, and military discipline.

Which are the best military schools available in North Carolina?

The Oak Ridge Military Academy in Oak Ridge, North Carolina has received a reputation for excellence and discipline. The North Carolina legislature claimed it as the official military school of the state.

What is the quality of the education received in military school?

Wentworth Military Academy & College is a private co-educational boarding military high school and two-year college. For 9th-12th graders, Wentworth provides an exemplary college-prep education, which builds self-discipline and self-confidence.

How to Survive Military School?

A military school is a kind of boarding school that will teach both discipline and structure in an environment that of which is styled after that of the military. While the training in such an environment can be both grueling and exacting, it is possible to adjust to the new lifestyle and survive military school by focusing on discipline and teamwork.It is vital to choose your teammates with great care. Every military school will place a large sense of important on teamwork, and the only way someone can succeed is if their group succeeds as well. The different teams you will get are your roommates, those with whom you are assigned to eat during meals and those you will work with in drills and athletic competitions.It is equally important to know the regulation rule book from start to finish. Keep in mind that if you break the rules, you will have to undergo manual labor, which is also known as detail.In order to survive the strict school system, you must be at your best behavior at all times. Those who do well in leadership, discipline, teamwork and academics get positive attention and promotion.Always keep good hygiene. Cadets are always expected to be neat and clean and in their uniforms, especially during an inspection. Keep in mind that many surprise inspections may occur.Do not groom in excess amounts. Girls may not wear nail polish or heavy makeup. Hair should either be in a bun or cut to any length above the collar.There may be some initiation rituals attempted by fellow cadets. For instance, a new cadet might be subjected to an uncomfortable situation, such as group showers, in order to initiate them into the system. Make sure to report any harassment to an administrator.When you are given an order, obey without complaint. It will be impossible to survive the military school system if you do not exercise discipline, since this is the basis of the school.

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A military school is a private school which emphasizes military style training and discipline. In general these are designed to prepare students for college if not a career in the military. A boot camp is a place where new military recruits receive their basic military training. However the term is often used to denote programs where wayward youths are sent in an attempt to change their behavior with strict discipline.

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The same stuff you learn at a normal 'civilian' school, but with a emphasis on leadership and discipline.

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Richard L. Curwin has written: 'Am I in trouble?' -- subject(s): Parent and child, Responsibility in children, Communication in the family, Discipline of children 'Developing individual values in the classroom' -- subject(s): Moral education 'Discipline with dignity' 'Making evaluation meaningful' -- subject(s): Grading and marking (Students) 'Entering adulthood' -- subject(s): Study and teaching (Secondary), Social skills, Discipline of children, Adolescent psychology, Self-control 'The discipline book' -- subject(s): School discipline

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The United States Military Academy at West Point is the most highly rated military school for teens in the US. It would be a good choice for anyone wishing to instill discipline in their children.

Do military schools help if you want to have a career in the military?

Military school is mainly for an undisciplined teen that seeks guidance to become a better person. It may focus on a military career, but is based on better teen discipline.

What was being taught in the school system in Japan during World War 2?

Technical science, mathematics, and military discipline.

The Many Benefits Of Military School?

Originally, military school was established for males, and mainly for those young males who were preparing to join the armed forces. However, today's military schools welcome both males and females, and many of the students who graduate go on to work in other sectors rather than the military.Military school has many benefits for students who attend. Although the discipline in military schools can be quite strict, it is also fair. The classes that students will need to take in these schools will teach them how to follow orders and how to develop self-discipline. Learning self-discipline, in turn, builds student's self-esteem and helps them to be proud of any achievements they may accomplish.Students will also learn to work hard, and they will learn that it does not benefit them to get into trouble. There are various punishments for students who do not adhere to the rules of the school, with the worst punishment being expulsion. Military school is not designed to cater to disobedience or laziness. Students must follow the rules, or they will be expelled.The academic standards are extremely high in these schools, and many students often go on to attend prestigious colleges or universities after graduation. The physical education programs in military schools are quite demanding, as the idea is that tired kids will not get into trouble. Many of these schools also offer excellent programs such as performing arts and sports, as well.Students will also learn responsibility in military school. They will learn to take responsibility for their actions, as well as, to accept the consequences of their actions. Although military schools are boarding schools, the schools encourage students to attend church and help out in their communities. Military school will also instill proper values, pride, morals and civic duties into their students.Although some graduates of military school go on to careers outside of the military, those students interested in careers with the military, will have a head start in military school. Recruiting officers for the military look favorably upon military school graduates. With its excellent curriculum and high standards, military school is the perfect choice for any young man, young woman or teen.

What are some military schools for girls in New England?

There are several military schools for girls available in the New England area. They emphasize discipline and physical conditioning. Some of these schools include Bement School and The Fay School.