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No i dont want to be a mongol soldiers i want to be united states soldiers.

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Q: Would you like to have been a mongol soldier?
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Why must a civil war soldier muster out?

Like any other soldier, he would have to be demobilised in an orderly fashion.

Is there a mongol ball pen?

Yes, there is a Mongol ballpen, available in 3 colors, black, red and blue. I bought a set from SM Megamall, ground floor, school and office supplies section. Try to check other bookstores as well such as National Bookstore. However, I haven't been there these days.There are 3 variants, the first one has a yellow casing with a black cap, quite similar to the Mongol pencil's color and a black cap, the second one has a clear casing, and the third are retractable with yellow casing.The first variant writes smoothly which I really like. Its ink is similar to Parker pens so I bought a lot of them. One set costs nineteen pesos only. (P19.00) A pack contains three pens. They are very affordable.The rest of the variants are stylish and they have finer points. Thank you very much Mongol for making these fine-quality pens. I hope Filipinos would keep buying them too just like the Mongol pencils.

What is a World War 2 metal bracelet with a soldier's name and serial number on it?

This sounds like a privately made item, that would have been a gift to a man going overseas, from his family or girlfriend. Sounds more like something the girl friend would have worn. The soldier would have kept something with her name or picture. My father was issued a sterling-silver identification bracelet by the Army, with his name, rank and serial number inscribed across the front. He also was issued the standard "dog tags" and was an infantry Captain with the 5th Army. I don't believe the US Army has ever issued any personal jewelry. Something like this would be purchased at the post exchange.

How many boards could the mongols horde if the mongol hordes got bored?

The mongol hoards would hoard all the boards they could hoard as long as they had room to hoard more boards.If the mongol hoards liked hoarding boards, (I'm not saying they do) then they would hoard boards like no other board hoarders. They may even hoard as many boards as a woodchuck would chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood. But if the boards they hoarded were mongolian hoarding boards then they would hoard as many hoarding boards as they could hoard before they horded normal boards. If they could only hoard normal boards then they would hoared all the boards they could hoard before they got bored. Damn mongolians

What would life have been like shortly after the war if the colonists would have lost?

It would have been terrible and we would've stayed together with Britain

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Who said Carry Hamlet like a soldier to the platform for had he been put to the test as king he would have behaved royally?

Fortinbras says something like this, as follows: "Let four captains Carry Hamlet like a soldier to the stage For he was likely, had he been put on To have proved most royal"

What would it be like to be a Civil War Soldier's Child?


Why must a civil war soldier muster out?

Like any other soldier, he would have to be demobilised in an orderly fashion.

What would it be like if you were a union soldier?

i wouldnt be id fight for the south

What is a mongol?

Mongol originally meant one of the native Mongolian people i.e. like Genghis (Chingis) Khan. This did not mean that they were Mongolian (like a Chinese person doesn't have to live in China to be Chinese but to be a Chinese citizen (or a Mongolian) you have to live in the country. A Mongol is like a 'Native American' and a Mongolian is like an 'American'. Also, during the Victorian and later periods, the supposedly superior white people needed a reason for the fact their children were born with Down syndrome, and they decided, as some of these children exhibited Asian-like facial qualities, that the only 'logical' reason was that the ancestors of the woman giving birth must in the past have been raped by a Mongol, and this was the bad Mongol blood corrupting the child. Thus retarded children or those with Down syndrome were often known as Mongols or just Mongs.

What were the sumerian soldier lifestyles like?

you would always be protecting the king, queen, and city.

How did the soldier say he would die compared to the spectral soldiers way of dying?

the tattered soldier said he would jus fall down and not look for a place to die

What would the training be like for a roman soldier?

well it would be brutal hard very tiring physically and emotionally draining

What was life as a soldier like?

life as a soldier was scary. violent.

What dynasty followed the Mongol Dynasty?

Mongol Dynasty in China is called Yuan Dynasty. Yuan Dynasty ( 1271 ~ 1368) is founded by Kublai Khan. It is considered both as a division of the Mongol Empire and as an imperial dynasty of China. The Ming Dynasty (1368~1644) followed Mongol Dynasty.

What is a silent soldier?

A Silent Soldier is a poem by Trina Parry-Plater. It describes what it is like to be the wife of a soldier.

Why did the Mughals emphasise their Timurid and not their Mongol descent?

The Mughals did not like to be called Mughal or Mongol because Mongol ruler Genghis Khan's memory was associated with the massacre of innumerable people. Mughals were proud of their Timurid ancestry because their great ancestor Timur had captured Delhi in 1398.