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My dad is one of the few left still liveing that took photos on the signing , He still remembers some of the fellow people on board and have some photos . hes 86 in age. motorcoach 1 at hot mail com

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Q: World War 2 of pictures of peace treaty on uss mo worth i have 5 real pictures of the signing and collecting all the jap swords as they come on to the ship to surrender?
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Were confederate officers allowed to keep their swords and guns after the civi war?

In many cases, officers were allowed to keep their swords and personal revolvers following the end of the Civil War. However, this was not true in every case and was largely dependent on the decision of the Union commander who was accepting the surrender.

Did Douglas Mac Arthur ask for sword at surrender of Japan on the Missouri?

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This was in distinct contrast to the British and Anzac forces, who demanded senior officers surrender their swords in front of assembled Japanese soldiers. Slim in his autobiography stated the reasoning as 'We wanted no WW1 mythology of the 'undefeated Japanese Army' - public surrender emphasised their military defeat.

General Lee surrendered to General Grant?

the confederate soldiers were permitted to keep there swords and horces

How many atomic bombs were made during ww2?

Three, one that was tested in the US, one was deployed at Hiroshima and the third at Nagasaki. Bombs were under construction, but no further weapons were ready for use by the surrender date. A fourth bomb was made by Los Alamos before Japan agreed to surrender, but did not arrive in San Francisco to be flown across the Pacific until August 18, four days after the Japanese agreed to surrender (but before the formal signing of the agreement which happened in September). This is confirmed by declassified documents obtained by Chuck Hansen via FOIA requests and summarized in his work Swords of Armageddon.As 3 more bombs were scheduled for production and delivery in September (ibid.) it is almost certain that Los Alamos completed the first of these 3 within a few days before or after the formal signing. However documents on the completion date of this bomb have not been released. If they did complete this bomb prior to the signing, this would make five in total were built during WW2.The next definite data in Swords of Armageddon gives bomb production up to the end of the 1946 Operation Crossroads: total bombs built 9, total bombs detonated 5, bombs remaining in stockpile 4.Note: bombs of this era when built were not assembled. for example a MK-III Fatman came in two crates of parts and took 3 days of final assembly in the field before use.

What terms did Grant impose on confederate soldiers?

Soldiers were to surrender. They were permitted to keep their horses for plowing, and to keep their sidearms (pistols and swords) Other arms and artillery were to be surrendered and stacked. Officers would be paroled (agreed not to fight) and would sign paroles on behalf of their soldiers.

Related questions

Will you show pictures of swords used in different wars?

A person can find pictures of swords used in different wars by visiting a library. Many books on the Civil War will have pictures of swords.

How do you get the Blue Hammer in Seven Swords?

To get the blue hammer in Seven Swords, you can actually purchase this equipment at the item store. You can also get the blue hammer by collecting the hammer as a drop from an enemy.

Where can you find good pictures of anime swords?

Go to google images and search the name of the particular sword you want pictures of.

Where did fencing oringate?

It originated in ancient Egypt. There are pictures they made of themselves fencing with masks and swords.

List ways that hypothesis can be supported?

Pictures,explantions,or demonstrate. . i hope you like my swords too.:D O=:::::::::::::::> O=::::::::::::::>

Were confederate officers allowed to keep their swords and guns after the civi war?

In many cases, officers were allowed to keep their swords and personal revolvers following the end of the Civil War. However, this was not true in every case and was largely dependent on the decision of the Union commander who was accepting the surrender.

Did Douglas Mac Arthur ask for sword at surrender of Japan on the Missouri?

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo This was in distinct contrast to the British and Anzac forces, who demanded senior officers surrender their swords in front of assembled Japanese soldiers. Slim in his autobiography stated the reasoning as 'We wanted no WW1 mythology of the 'undefeated Japanese Army' - public surrender emphasised their military defeat.

Where can one find images of Japanese Swords?

There are several websites which have images of Japanese Swords. However if you are looking for a large variety of different images the best place to look is Google images as they will ensure that the pictures given relate to your search.

General Lee surrendered to General Grant?

the confederate soldiers were permitted to keep there swords and horces

What are some products available from the Swords Swords website?

There are a lot of kinds of products which are available from the Swords Swords website. Some of the common products are Samurai Swords, Movie Swords, Medieval Swords Swords.

How many atomic bombs were made during ww2?

Three, one that was tested in the US, one was deployed at Hiroshima and the third at Nagasaki. Bombs were under construction, but no further weapons were ready for use by the surrender date. A fourth bomb was made by Los Alamos before Japan agreed to surrender, but did not arrive in San Francisco to be flown across the Pacific until August 18, four days after the Japanese agreed to surrender (but before the formal signing of the agreement which happened in September). This is confirmed by declassified documents obtained by Chuck Hansen via FOIA requests and summarized in his work Swords of Armageddon.As 3 more bombs were scheduled for production and delivery in September (ibid.) it is almost certain that Los Alamos completed the first of these 3 within a few days before or after the formal signing. However documents on the completion date of this bomb have not been released. If they did complete this bomb prior to the signing, this would make five in total were built during WW2.The next definite data in Swords of Armageddon gives bomb production up to the end of the 1946 Operation Crossroads: total bombs built 9, total bombs detonated 5, bombs remaining in stockpile 4.Note: bombs of this era when built were not assembled. for example a MK-III Fatman came in two crates of parts and took 3 days of final assembly in the field before use.

Where were the samurai swords made from?

Samurai swords are from Japan. The swords were made of hardened steel.