no.the invention of the stirrup allowed knights to use lances.(armour protects, but its the stirrup that allows the knight to control the horse better, and be braced against the impact of a lance that would otherwise knock the rider from the saddle)
knights served kings
Knights got their equipment from their lords.
Knights FIGHT
They are knighted by the ruling monarch.
Yes the Knights of Labor allowed unskilled workers and skilled workers alike.
Knights were not allowed to marry without their lord's permission, flee from battle, or disrespect their king or queen. They were expected to follow a strict code of conduct that emphasized loyalty, courage, and honor.
1969 girls were allowed in ffa!
Knights were not simply allowed to kill peasants. I know of no secular laws that allowed this, and Church law certainly would not, unless the peasants were guilty of some crime. A country that gave knights free reign to do such a thing would have been at odds with the Church very quickly. It was allowed in ancient Rome, but even in ancient Rome, the laws had changed.
all workers
the girls were not allowed...
Girls were allowed into boy scouting in a program called Venturing. Girls were first admitted in 1976 to the Venture Scouts!
Usually their noble steed, which is a Horse.
Yes, girls are allowed in the Crips gang, the female Crip members are called Criplettes.