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Children were moved out of cities and out in to the country side because the cities had lots of people in them and were being bombed. the country side was safe because there were not that many people. I hope this is helpful.

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10mo ago

Children were moved out of the cities during World War 2 as a precautionary measure to protect them from the dangers of bombing raids and other wartime hazards. The bombing campaigns targeted major cities, and it was believed that the countryside offered a safer environment for children to live in during the war. This evacuation effort was known as "Operation Pied Piper" in Britain.

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Q: Why were children moved out of the cities during World War 2?
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Why did children leave the city in world war 2?

they would have been moved away so they couldn't get hurt... they would have been moved because the parents wanted to protect them. they would have been moved to the contryside. [just if u want to know where...]

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The children were moved from the cities to the countryside to avoid bombing. There would be no point in moving them to other cities as they too would be (and were) bombed.

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