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The world was at war and Hitler was winning in 1941.

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Q: Why wasnt the survival of democracy assured in 1941?
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Life after the 1941 bombs in Japan?

Since japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawiia in 1941 and the atomic bomb wasnt dropped in Japan till 1945, there were no effects of bombs in japan in 1941.

Why was an enemy fighter plane in the Pearl Harbor attacked called a Zero?

Because the aircraft was adapted by the Imperial Navy in 1940 (it entered service in 1941)...the last number indicating the aircraft's model number. The US does the same thing; the M1 rifle was adapted in 1941, therefore, it's the model 1.

US british agreement of August 1941 to promote democracy and establish a new international organization for peace?

Atlantic Charter

US-British agreement of August 1941 to promote democracy and establish a new international organization for peace?

Atlantic Charter

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When did the US pass the Lend Lease Act?

I have no idea how this happened, search it on google.

What was the controversial 1941 law that made America the arsenal of democracy by providing supposedly temporary assistance to Britain?

The Lend-Lease Bill

What year did Eleanor Roosevelt found the freedom house?

Eleanor Roosevelt did not found Freedom House. Freedom House was founded in 1941, and Eleanor Roosevelt served as chairperson of the organization's board of trustees from 1946 to 1951. She played a significant role in championing human rights and democracy through her involvement with Freedom House and other organizations.

What are the release dates for Lazybones - 1941?

Lazybones - 1941 was released on: USA: 1941

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Contrathemis - 1941 was released on: USA: 1941

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The Rapture - 1941 was released on: USA: 1941

Imperialism in a sentence?

Japanese imperialism projected them into World War 2 in 1941; after the war the nation adopted a constitution and approach which put this behind them, to become a peaceful democracy.