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The Cold War was the outcome of WW2. It was Winston Churchill who named it in a speech. At the end of WW2 the Russians reached Berlin first before the allies, so they felt that they were due something for capturing Berlin. The allies answered this with dividing Berlin into 4 sections. They got 3 sections and the Russians got one. The one the Russians got became East Germany and the allies sections became West Germany and the Brandenburg Gate divided the two parts. Sitting at the gate were the armies of the west on one side and the army of the Russians on the other. The Russians built the Berlin Wall to keep people from escaping East Germany and they took over the Baltic states making them part of Russia. This resulted in the Cold War and the allies keeping troops in Germany to stop the Russians from invading Europe through Poland and dropping down into central Germany. Today there is a new Cold War starting because Putin has plans to reconstitute the Baltic states. He has all ready made moves in that direction.

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Q: Why was the cold war started?
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