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1. Lack of antiseptic

The battlefield doctors did not use antiseptic for treating wounds, and would often go from one patient to the next, without cleaning tools. Also the conditions in which patients were treated were usually quite horrible. A lot of patients also died from blood loss while receiving amputations.

2. Lack of food

A lot of regiments simply did not have enough food to go around and the soldiers simply died of starvation.

3. Violent battle tactics

In the civil war troops went face to face with rifles and bayonets. Cannons were also used for deadly fire.

The Civil War was truly a terrible time and both sides suffered heavy losses.

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Q: Why was the casualty rate so high in the civil war?
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What was the casualty rate during the civil war?

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Which war is considered to have had the highest casualty rate?

I don't know what the highest overall death rate is, but the highest American death rate in a war was the Civil War, because we were fighting ourselves, so many Americans died.

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GloryThe formation of soldiers caused the high casualty rate during the civil war. Soldiers stood side by side fighting each other until one side withdrew. When shooting into a line it is extremely easy to hit somebody because you don't have to aim for one person because you are, most likely, bound to hit somebody. This is why so many people died during the civil war. By using frontal attacks the opponent has plenty of time to get ready, unlike when using guerrilla warfare.

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Casualty rates among Confederate generals during the US Civil War were high. In the war, 55% of all Rebel generals were either killed or wounded . This amounted to 235 of the 435 generals. Most of the Confederate losses among generals occurred as they led their troops into battle.

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Ginny Wade, a seamstress, was the first civilian casualty of the Civil War. She was the only Gettysburg civilian killed directly during the Battle of Gettysburg.

What is a causality rate?

A casualty is someone who has been killed in an accident or war. Casualty rate is the amount of people that have been killed as a result of accidents or wars.

What caused dysentery during the civil war?

Poor hygiene and camp sanitation contributed to the high rate of disease during the US Civil War.

Do you know Which battle of the US Civil War was the deadliest?

Look at the casualty figures for each battle. Try Wikipedia's list of Civil War battles.

Why was world war 2 the largest war in history?

Largest military AND civilian casualty and death rate.

What is a causality?

A casualty is someone who has been killed in an accident or war. Casualty rate is the amount of people that have been killed as a result of accidents or wars.

How did the Weapons in the Civil War affect the War?

Weapons outstripped tactics until near the end of the war, leading to atrocious casualty counts.