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It was the last major German offensive on the Eastern Front; from now on, the Germans would be on the defensive.

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Q: Why was the battle of kursk a major turning point in WW2?
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Why people call the Battle of Stalingrad a turning point in the war?

People call it a turning point of WW2 in the European Front because it was the first major allied victory and Nazi Germany defeat. From this point, the Nazis began to retreat due to not enough resources left for any major comeback. The only come back were many battles in the Ukraine areas such as battle of Kursk.

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tHe Battle of Stalingrad was a major turning point in WW2. The Battle of Midway was another.

In world war 2 what was the turning point in the eastern front?

The battle of Stalingrad. Michael Montagne Stalingrad was a turning point, allthough several battles on the eastern front can be regarded as turning points. The first one was the battle of Moscow (october 1941 - January 1942) then there was Stalingrad in 1942 and Kursk in 1943.

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The battle of Saratoga.

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Major Soviet victories over Germany (and its allies) include: *Moscow (1941-42) *Stalingrad (1942-43. This battle is widely regarded as the key turning point on the Eastern Front). *Kursk (1943)

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Why the battle of saratoga was considered the turning point of the war?

The Battle of Saratoga was considered the turning point of the Revolutionary war. This battle was the first major win for the colonies and improved morale.

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