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Q: Why was the German assault of Stalingrad a crushing defeat for the Germans?
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Why was a German assault on Stalingrad a crushing defeat for the Germans?

The Germans lacked Hoth's 4th Panzer army which would have helped to capture the city of Stalingrad but instead the 4th Army was assisting Manstein in the Crimean peninsula . The loss of Paulus' 6th Army at Stalingrad was a crushing defeat for the Wehrmacht which the Germans never recovered from and lost momentum which was never regained and marked a signal victory for the Russians and was a significant morale booster to Russian war efforts .

What battle halted the German invasion of Russia?

Stalingrad. The Germans were ill-equipped for winter. The Russians, on the other hand, had sent in a fresh supply of new troops from Siberia. The Germans tried many times to regain lost land, but all attempts failed. From Stalingrad on, the Germans would be in just one big retreat to the Reichstag.

Soviet troops captured 80000 Germans in the Battle of .?

Actually, the Soviets captured 91,000 German soldiers and SS in the Battle of Stalingrad, and suffered some 150,000 killed. Although the Soviets lost some 500,000 soldiers and civilians, the fight at Stalingrad proved to the Russian people that the Germans could be beaten.

How did Hitler invade Russia?

He was upset about crimes local population committed against Germans living in East Europe and Russia. Hitler was furthe angered by the fact that east European government did nothing about the crimes their citizens were committing against the Germans includingRussia, who committed such crimeswho should not be allowed to exist

How did the Battle of Stalingrad contribute to the allied victory in world war 2?

The battle of Stalingrad was a huge German offensive on the Russian city of Stalingrad. It began with a huge bombing campaign and the quick removal of flanking armies which resulted in the Germans surrounding the city. Despite being outnumbered, the Russians held the city and the Russian winter set in and ended any chance of German victory in the east. If the Germans had won the campaign in Russia, troops fighting on the eastern front could have been sent to the western front to fight the European allies which would have outnumbered them and possible ended in a German domination of Europe.

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Why was the German assauit on Stalingrad a crushing defect for the Germans?

because the Germans were scared

Why was a German assault on Stalingrad a crushing defeat for the Germans?

The Germans lacked Hoth's 4th Panzer army which would have helped to capture the city of Stalingrad but instead the 4th Army was assisting Manstein in the Crimean peninsula . The loss of Paulus' 6th Army at Stalingrad was a crushing defeat for the Wehrmacht which the Germans never recovered from and lost momentum which was never regained and marked a signal victory for the Russians and was a significant morale booster to Russian war efforts .


Decisive battle in German invasion of Russia, the Germans were surrounded and systemically destroyed

How many Germans died at the Battle of Stalingrad?

AnswerOf the roughly 300,000 German troops at Stalingrad 50,000 were brushed aside during the Soviet encirclement of Stalingrad. Another 30,000 were evacuated by the Luftwaffe at the few airfields the Germans still held. When the Germans finally capitulated approximately 90,000 were taken prisoner, therefore around 130,000 Germans were killed at Stalingrad.

Who was the German field marshallBattle of Stalingrad?

Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Paulus He is best known for commanding the Sixth's assault on Stalingrad during Operation Blue in 1942.

Is it true that the Battle of Stalingrad was an important victory for the German army?

No , the Germans suffered a significant defeat at the hands of the Russians losing the battle for the city of Stalingrad ; one which the Germans never recovered from since the Russians from that point on had the initiative .

What happend after the Battle of Stalingrad?

The objective of the Battle of Stalingrad was the Germans wanted to capture the town named after the Prime Minister of Russia and then cross the Volga river in order to continue their advance into Russia. The Germans lost the battle and the German VI Army was surrounded and surrendered. The Germans had to retreat in order to re-group. Stalingrad was where the Russians stopped the advance of the German army and they began to push them back out of Russia over the next year.

Where was the German invasion stopped by the soviet union?

In WW2 the Germans got as far as Stalingrad in the south, and the Caucasus mountains, just north of Grozny. Leningrad was besieged in the north, & Moscow was not reached. Essentially Stalingrad was as far as the Germans got, at the end of 1942.

What battle halted the German invasion of Russia?

Stalingrad. The Germans were ill-equipped for winter. The Russians, on the other hand, had sent in a fresh supply of new troops from Siberia. The Germans tried many times to regain lost land, but all attempts failed. From Stalingrad on, the Germans would be in just one big retreat to the Reichstag.

Why was the Battle of Stalingrad was a crushing defeat for Germany?

I would be happy to answer your question. The Battle of Stalingrad was a crushing defeat for Germany for several reasons. Think of Stalingrad as the control point in the Soviet Union, if Germany were to be victorious they would have half of the Soviet Union in their control. Since there were not near as many people in Eastern Soviet Union this would mean that a majority of the population would be under control by the Axis. Since the Soviets managed to defeat the Germans at Stalingrad Hitler could not expand Axis territory. Also if that answer was not satisfactory and perhaps you are asking why the Soviets were able to defeat the Germans the answer is simple. German troops were issued spring clothing and Hitler sent in his troops late, causing the battle to extend into the winter. Since the Germans were not used to the colder climate of the USSR many became ill and died. If Hitler were to send in troops earlier they probably would have taken control of Stalingrad and perhaps even won the war and thank God he didn't.

Where and how did the german's meet defeat in Stalingrad?

The Germans came to grief in Russia at the significant battle of Stalingrad from which they never recovered ; the battle for the city was from 17 July 1942 - 2 February 1943 .

Why was the battle of stalingrand a crushing defeat for the Germans?

The Germans lacked Hoth's 4th Panzer army which would have helped to capture the city of Stalingrad but instead the 4th Army was assisting Manstein in the Crimean peninsula . The loss of Paulus' 6th Army at Stalingrad was a crushing defeat for the Wehrmacht which the Germans never recovered from and lost momentum which was never regained and marked a signal victory for the Russians and was a significant morale booster to Russian war efforts .